Raynham, MA 02767
Odometer: 6492.1
We have begun our trip to upstate New York and the Upper Peninsula in Michigan. As usual getting ready to leave is not without its issues. Deb of course had to clean the house including laundry, vacuuming, shampooing the rugs and leaving everything pristine (just in case we die we wouldn’t want anyone to think we were slobs). Now we are ready to leave, or are we?
Where are her sneakers????? After a house wide search and a phone call to our 4 yr old Granddaughter, Adeline to ask her if she knew what Debbie did with her sneakers (she didn’t). Alas Deb’s memory kicked in and we found them in the most unusual place, her shirt closet. Go figure. Finally, we leave at 11:30 am. Traffic was light and the day was perfect. Ended our day after driving over 400 miles at the Seneca Travel Stop on I 90.

Things went downhill from there. Very hot, humid and uncomfortable and of course we didn’t have enough gas in the motorhome to run the generator to run the AC. The reason is because Mr. Thrifty would not fill up at $3.21 per gallon because it was not an economically sound choice. Will be hunting for cheaper gas in the AM. Finally got to sleep once a fan was hooked into our inverter. Did get a great picture of the sunset over the trees across the parking lot, however.

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Senaca Rest Stop NY Thruway
Odometer: 6884.9
Early AM on day 2 left the Seneca rest stop for an 80 mile drive to Letchworth Sate Park. Had to find some cheap gas first off of I 90. Got onto I 390 only to find, ALAS, no gas stations and our gas needle was on EMPTY. I was stressed and Ron was looking a little concerned because as we all know he wouldn’t fill up at the rest area. Wouldn’t you know we ran into some cheaper gas about 20 miles down the road. As Luck would have it the sign said $3.21 per gallon but when we were at the pump it had not be changed from the $3.16 on the pump gage. Even at that it was a $200.00 fill. In January we could fill the tank for around $110.00, now it is over $200.00. Puts a little kink in our well planned expense account. Didn’t quite get to Letchworth without some confusion (on my part) Since I’m so great at map reading we went right by the entrance to the campground, traversed through park http://nysparks.state.ny.us/parks/info.asp?parkID=12 (which is 14, 000 acres and the road 18 miles long) did a complete circle through the local towns and added another 45 min onto the ride and wasted 4 gallons of very expensive gas.

Captains BLOG
Senaca Rest Stop NY Thruway
Odometer: 6884.9
Early AM on day 2 left the Seneca rest stop for an 80 mile drive to Letchworth Sate Park. Had to find some cheap gas first off of I 90. Got onto I 390 only to find, ALAS, no gas stations and our gas needle was on EMPTY. I was stressed and Ron was looking a little concerned because as we all know he wouldn’t fill up at the rest area. Wouldn’t you know we ran into some cheaper gas about 20 miles down the road. As Luck would have it the sign said $3.21 per gallon but when we were at the pump it had not be changed from the $3.16 on the pump gage. Even at that it was a $200.00 fill. In January we could fill the tank for around $110.00, now it is over $200.00. Puts a little kink in our well planned expense account. Didn’t quite get to Letchworth without some confusion (on my part) Since I’m so great at map reading we went right by the entrance to the campground, traversed through park http://nysparks.state.ny.us/parks/info.asp?parkID=12 (which is 14, 000 acres and the road 18 miles long) did a complete circle through the local towns and added another 45 min onto the ride and wasted 4 gallons of very expensive gas.
On the bright side, the park is beautiful, well maintained, 
has many deer wandering around and some beautiful wild flowers growing everywhere. Reminds us of the Blue Ridge Parkway in NC., pristine, beautiful but no one is here. The campground is virtually empty and we have the place to ourselves.

Try this Slideshow of Letchworth SP (NY)
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Letchworth State Park
Odometer: 6884.9
Rained in downpours from about 3 pm yesterday and all night long. It finally slowed down and stopped around noon. We went out to explore the park around 9:30 am in our raingear. Didn’t
want to let a little rain get in the way so off we went. We did a lot of walking, hiking and climbing stairs. Held up well considering neither one of us is in great shape. The area is very beautiful and in many ways resembles the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, http://www.perrychamber.com/letchworth-park.php except the rock formations are
Letchworth State Park
Odometer: 6884.9
Rained in downpours from about 3 pm yesterday and all night long. It finally slowed down and stopped around noon. We went out to explore the park around 9:30 am in our raingear. Didn’t

not red and the river that snakes through the gorges is a brown instead of a red clay color. The waterfalls are spectacular and the views breathtaking. During the depression so may people were out of work that the Federal Government brought unemployed men between the ages of 18 and 25 throughout the country jobs to build roadways, and parks (Civilian Conservation Corp or CCC’s). The stonework that was done throughout this park is incredible. There are miles of walls along the roadways and trails and the stone buildings are beautiful. There is a statute in the park honoring the men that did

Captains BLOG
Letchworth SP, N.Y.
Odometer: 6973.9
Spent another day exploring and learning about Mr. Letchworth. He was quite the businessman and humanitarian. Spent some time at the Mount Morris Dam which was built to prevent

flooding in the lower valleys. Didn’t get to do the tour though. We had lunch at the Glen Iris Inn, which had once been the home of Mr. Letchworth. It sits facing the Middle Falls, which are quite spectacular and has a great porch with many comfortable rocking chairs. The food was excellent and very reasonable for a fine dining restaurant. The rooms in the Inn are reasonable
starting at $80.00 per night for 2 and they run specials with dinner and breakfast in the Spring and Fall. Went to the Letchworth museum, which was fun and educational. Got a call from the Letchworth Balloon Company to let us know our evening flight tonight has also been cancelled due to high winds. The third plan is to fly tomorrow morning at 6 AM. Will need to be up, out and at the launch site by 5:30 AM. We are hoping the flight will go as planned and are looking forward to it. Have been doing more relaxing then usual and are trying to pace ourselves this trip. Have found so many cool things to do in route to the Upper Peninsula that we now realize we may not be able to get to all the places we want to see. Having a great time and wish you all could be with us.

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Niagara Falls
Odometer: 7062.3
Niagara Falls
Odometer: 7062.3
Before leaving home we purchased a digital alarm clock that is supposedly adjusted by the atomic clock according to time Zone and daylight savings time. Well we did need to test out its accuracy this morning since we needed to be up and out by 5:00 AM. Set the fancy clock to 4 AM alarm but as a back-up also set the little teapot clock that our Grandson Steven had given us a couple of years back. Guess which alarm woke us – The TEAPOT!!! The digital alarm somehow set itself to Pacific Time therefore we would have missed our flight. Thank You Steven, the clock you gave us still works and is accurate. Our flight was a go and the temperature was a crispy 44 degrees. The direction of the flight depends on the prevaili
ng winds so we did not get to fly in the gorge but instead flew over the gorge and waterfalls. Had to fly high to get the right wind direction so we would have a place to land. It was spectacular and the sun came up shining through the mist was beautiful. We did scare some cows when the pilot fired up the burners and the landing was perfect. Got a certificate for flying but the pilot had to run. His wife was having her eighth surgery for bladder cancer (she’s only 55). 

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